July 6, 2000
Today I updated the Rares section and Uniques, in
the Rares section I added a Staff called Gnarled Cudel, in the
Uniques section I added a sword called Azurewrath and a shield
called Bverrit Keep I found last night, I'd like to thank Mike
Toth for sending the pic of Azurewrath and Matt Adams for the
Gnarled Cudel.
June 28, 2000
Hey you guys are gonna love what I got today! I
got 2 Rares, one is a Armor only found in like Act 4 and maybe
3 and a Giant Axe found in Act 4, this items are amazing, so go
check out the last two items I've added in the Rare section.
June 15, 2000
Sorry guys that I haven't updated to site so much,
busy playing the Stress-Test. Well the game is addictive, really
fun. So much more to explore, more options, its just a bigger
and better Diablo, the game is amazing! theres really nothing
to add to the site beacuse its beta, but I might soon, later.