- Well, it seems this item can deal out tons of damage, good magical
porperties like that 4-6 Cold Damage, +3 to Min Damage. But the bad
thing is its got a slow attck rate, but a very well balanced item.
- All I can say is whoa! this is an excellent item. The Damage is
quite high too. Look at the magical properties its got, -10 to Monster
Defense Per Hit, 6% Life Stolen Per Hit, Enhanced Damage, +79 to Attack
Rate and Attack Rate Increase. A very useful Spear in the hands of
an Amazon.
- A good item for a Sorceress. 6 modifires. Again a very good item,
that fast cast rate will be useful when surronded by a pack of monsters,
she would quickly disppose of them. That +2 to Ice Bolt is good too,
giving her that extra damage she might need.
- Lots of modifires one this one. Would be useful for a low level
- This is a pretty decent bow here. A bit of elemental damage, the
fire 2-6 damage, the poison damage is 2-7. The +2 to Max Damage is
good as well, so I wouldn't mind using it for a level 10-13 Bow Amazon.
- Yet another decent item here. 6 modifires on this one! and all good
too. One thing I like is the 6% Mana Stolen Per Hit, just so you won't
have to keep using mana potions. The + 6 to Max Damage is great too,
a normal crossbow does 7-11 damage, but this does 8-17. So again a
good and useful item here.
- Hmm, well lots of modifers on this ring. Here you will see a new
modifire not included in Diablo, which is a % Extra Gold From Monsters,
which is very cool, especialy to a low level character. In this item
its 51% Extra Gold From Monsters, and the +22 to attack rating isn't
very commen which makes this ring a good rare.
- Here we have a very interesting item which I really like. The 2
things that make this item stand out is #1 Adds 1-16 Lightning Damage,
that is extremly high lightning damage, #2 is +103 to Attack Rating,
again a very big number, not very commen. I like this item, good for
the mighty Paladin or the brute Barabarian.
- Again an item with a very high adding attack rating, that +102!.
Good damage, I like the 4% Life Stolen Per Hit( just like the Undead
Crown from Diablo). So not a very bad item at all.
- Another good item here. Gives a decent amount of damage. The 4%
Life Stolen Per Hit and the 5% Mana Stolen Per Hit is good too. It
has a high posion damage 4-14. So this is a pretty good item.
- Lots of good modifiers on this one. And all good. Gives a high attack
rating, some ok magic resistances and adds +3 to Min Damage, which
is also cool.
- A nice pair of boots here. The best modifier on this is Fast Run/Walk,
which is new to Diablo2, gives your character an extra running boost(makes
you rund/walk faster).
- Great Axe for the Barbaian. The one thing I like on this Axe is
the 4-10 Cold Damage, this is the highest I've yet seen on a rare
item, Cold Damage is very crucial because it slows monsters down,
slowing down thier attack rating and over all movement, which buys
you some time to finish off some other monster you're facing if you
get surronded by a pack of monsters. The +114 to Attack rating is
awesome making your attacking speed even greater and if I was to rate
this item out of 10 I would give is 9/10, I really like it.
- Some not so bad pair of Chain Boots. The one thing I like about
is Heal Stamina Plus 50%, this is really good when your getting chased
by a pack of monsters and lossing stamina fast, just stop for a sec
and it'll recharge 50 times faster than normal, pretty cool huh? So
this item ain't the best but its not the worst, its so-so.
- This is a excellent item, gives you a very high amount of cold damage(4-11)
adds +4 to Min Damage, +2 to Max Damage, +16 to Attack Rating and
+1 point of Man After Each Kill, makes this item a, killer one!
- A really nice pair of boots here. One of the cool modifiers is 104%
Extra Gold From Monsters, this is another new modifier in Diablo2,
I think its great, sence gold isn't found very often these boots give
you that little extra gold thta you need, like instead of normally
getting gold from 3/10 monsters, you could be getting like 8/10 from
monsters. Plus this item gives some ok magic resistances.
- This is a wand preferly for the Necromancer, there are 7 modifiers
on this wand. My most favourite ones are: Prevent Monster Heal, +3
to Min Damage, +1 to Amplify Damage [Necromancer Only]......those
are all great, nice wand for a say level 10-12 Necromancer.
- Another great sword here. The -25 to Monster Defense Per Hit is
awesome, the +118 to Attack Rating is good too. This is good over
all item, lots of different modifiers, the 1-2 cold damage, enhanced
damage, 4% Mana Stolen Per Hit etc.
- This Hunter's Bow has pretty high, 4-15 damage. Normal one deals
out about 3-5 damage. So here we have a not so bad low-level-character
bow for the Amazon.
- Check out this! 10 modifiers! and all good ones, this item is for
the Necromancer, the +2 to Skeleton Mastery[Necromancer Only), +1
to Amplify Damage[Necromancer Only], +1 to Clay Golem[Necromancer
Only], and the rest are great for the Necromancer! This item is a
must for the Necromancer!
- Yet another amazing item here. Deals out high damage. 7-49, the
2 most coolest modifiers on this item is: a really high Lightning
damage, 1-32 and the +155 to Attack Rating. But the only bad thing
about this Bardiche is the slow attack rate. But in the end this a
really good item.
- Here we have a decent item for your Holy Warrior, the Paladin. Nice
base damage, some good modifiers, so not bad at all.
- Another good bow, this has the highest damage I've seen on a Long
Bow yet, 6-26 is good, the +86 to Attack Rating is great too, giving
you a faster attacking speed.
- A cool one here, the damage is 18-31, which is high, and one of
the good things about this item is it steals 11% Man Per Hit. So this
item ain't so bad.
- Ok so far as of June 28 this is the best Rare item I've yet to see,
the armor is just out standing! 435! +37 to Mana is great too, so
this is truely a powerful item.
- A Giant Axe, it deals out a great amount of damage 39-60(dam) and
has a high poison damage, and isn't so bad for a high level character
like the Barbarian.
- A very nice staff for the Sorceress, this is what I'd call a perfect
item. The +2 to Fire Ball is useful because if you're a Sorc in the
Fire skill tree you'd use this skill right after Fire Bolt, and everything
else about this item is great.